Welcome to our member website [s2Get constant=”S2MEMBER_CURRENT_USER_DISPLAY_NAME” /]!

[s2If current_user_is(subscriber)]
You are a Free Subscriber.
[s2If current_user_is(s2member_level1)]
You are a Member @ Phase #1.
[s2If current_user_is(s2member_level2)]
You are a Member @ Phase #2.
[s2If current_user_is(s2member_level3)]
You are a Member @ Phase #3.
[s2If current_user_is(administrator)]
You are an Administrator.

[s2If current_user_is(s2member_level1)]

If it is the first time you visit us here, then you are probably in phase 1 with us. Please click on the button Phase 1 to get access to your information and read about our method to keep your kid safe online.

We recommend afterwards to discuss the method with your family and decide if the approaches and tips are sufficient enough for your child to keep safe online. If you and your family have any doubts, we strongly recommend to apply for phase 2 with your child.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any queries regarding our revolutionary method.

Risk analysis (Phase 2)

If it isn’t the first time you visit us, warm welcome again. Probably your family decided after phase 1 activity to go ahead with our method and your family want to proceed with  phase 2.

Phase 2 is a (50% discount) paid service of (NOT $ 99,90 but)  $ 49.95.

You are now better aware of all the dangers of being unsafe online — Cyberbullying, Cyber predators, Posting Private Information, sexting, etc, etc.

With mobile technology being so freely available, it is an ongoing issue and one that is relentless.  Not only does it go on after school, college or work has finished, but it then carries through into the next day and, the cycle continues.  It has been well documented that, e.g. cyberbullying has resulted in tragic events including suicide, and self-harm and clearly, more needs to be done in order to protect vulnerable children and adults from the online dangers.

Your child is your responsibility, so you owe it to them and yourself to make sure the online environment around them is safe. Predators will do everything possible to remove that trust away from you and steer it toward them. With phase 2, you’ll be able to know your child’s every move on the internet.

Please click on the payment button below to proceed with this process.

[s2Member-PayPal-Button level=”1″ ccaps=”” desc=”Phase 2 / description and pricing details here.” ps=”paypal” lc=”” cc=”USD” dg=”0″ ns=”1″ custom=”onlineyouthprotection.com” ta=”0″ tp=”0″ tt=”D” ra=”49.95″ rp=”6″ rt=”M” rr=”0″ rrt=”” rra=”1″ image=”default” output=”button” /]


[s2If current_user_is(s2member_level2)]

If it is the first time, please start with phase 1 and click on the button phase 1 above. Finish first this phase before you start with phase 2.

If it isn’t the first time you visit us, warm welcome again. Probably your family decided after phase 1 activity to go ahead with our method and your family want to proceed with phase 2.
Great choice and we shall do our utmost best to make it successful for your family with this vital activity and phase.

You are now better aware of all the dangers of being unsafe online — Cyberbullying, Cyber predators, Posting Private Information, sexting, etc, etc.

With mobile technology being so freely available, it is an ongoing issue and one that is relentless. Not only does it go on after school, college or work has finished, but it then carries through into the next day and, the cycle continues. It has been well documented that, e.g. cyberbullying has resulted in tragic events including suicide, and self-harm and clearly, more needs to be done in order to protect vulnerable children and adults from the online dangers.

You know our work method and we will Email you the next 4 week Emails with information and some instructions. Please read the Emails every day and open them in the right order, for maximum success.
After phase 2, you’ll be able to know your family’s every move on the internet.

At the end of this phase 2, you have to decide if you family isn’t protected enough and you need to proceed with a subscription of phase 3.
Phase 3 will be a little different from the first two phases, because it isn’t a matter of how your family is online safe, but it is more the process of learning to addapt new behaviour and this takes time.
If you are ready for phase 3, please click the button below, the first two months are for free!

[s2Member-PayPal-Button level=”3″ ccaps=”” desc=”Phase 3 first 2 months for free” ps=”paypal” lc=”” cc=”USD” dg=”0″ ns=”1″ custom=”onlineyouthprotection.com” ta=”0″ tp=”2″ tt=”M” ra=”7.5″ rp=”1″ rt=”M” rr=”1″ rrt=”” rra=”1″ image=”default” output=”button” /]


[s2If current_user_is(s2member_level3)]

Dear Member, you are with your family in phase 3. The phase where we need a little bit more patience because changing habits is difficult and takes time.

You can unscribe any time you want via the button below.

[s2Member-PayPal-Button cancel=”1″ image=”default” output=”anchor” /]

We desire to partner with your family.

Phase 1

Phase 2

Phase 3