Who are We

Photo by You X Ventures on Unsplash

All developers of this method and the OYP site were born in the Netherlands, and our mission statement is the following: “To help parents to protect their innocent child(ren) from online (sexual) predators.”

However, parents remain the ‘first line of defense’ in protecting their children against Internet safety dangers. Unfortunately, parents, educators and other caring adults are ill-equipped, uninformed and often overwhelmed when it comes to Internet safety issues, and they need credible outside help.

Part of our team consists of students with a technical, marketing, or communication background, helping us to understand the children of today.

The Dutch government funds us. We are reviewed by experts and non-commercial people, so you know you can trust us.

We think that with our Dutch view, we can add to the Anglo-Saxon world a different value in understanding what the impact and danger is of the internet on our children. With this different view, we can provide parents with better tools to guide their children’s online behavior so they are more capable of protecting their children.